Hey there, I’m John.
I work at Instagram and have led a diverse range of projects and teams since joining the company in 2014. My work has involved everything from partnering with the Japanese Government to drive tourism, working with CNN and ABC to engage new audiences during US Presidential Elections, through to developing products that encourage participation in democracy.
As head of Politics and Government at Instagram, John Tass-Parker is a power player in the wild west of social media and politics. With an idiosyncratic background in photography and film production, John has used his platform to boost voter engagement and engage elected officials around the globe.
Prior to moving to the USA I worked for two Prime Ministers of Australia as an adviser (and was once a wedding photographer!). I’m also a proud member of the Fred Hollows Foundation USA’s Advisory Council.
Here are a couple links to my work.
Wired: NASA Teams Up with Instagram To Debut Pluto Surface Photo
New York Times: On the Instagram Presidential Campaign Trail
Perez Hilton: The Prime Minister Of Australia Julia Gillard Addresses the End of the World!
IPSOS: Instagram’s Impact on Canadian Businesses
#UnknownJapan, where Instagram is collaborating with the Japanese Government to increase inbound tourism [the launch]
VICE Germany: MeinXOXO, a voter turnout initiative by VICE, Instagram and Kemmler & Kemmler during the 2017 German election
2017 French Election Public Art Installation
Le Figaro: Paris seen by the Instagram community [Translation]
AdWeek: Instagram Built an Adorably Small Oval Office for the Conventions Anyone can feel presidential for a moment By Marty Swant
NBC Nightly News: Tom Brokaw Examines Social Media as a Force in 2016 Election
Correio Braziliense: Exposure leads to the museum photos taken by Brazil on Instagram [Translation]
AdNews: Sydney Morning Herald and The Age tap Instagram for ‘humanising’ election coverage
Millennials make their mark at MCON 2016
Circa: Just how much has social media changed politics? It’s a digital revolution
Fox News ‘The Five’: Mini Oval Office
Sydney Morning Herald: Federal election 2016: Politicians drop their guard on Instagram
The Young Turks: How Millennials Get Their News
AdWeek: Barack Obama: Ruler of the Free (Instagram) World